Sunday, January 24, 2010

Coming up ...

Projects for 2010:

Being organised and making a whole bunch of gift bags out of fabric! Main sizes will be for dvds, books, and a cd-sized thing for other little trinkets. I'm tired of wrapping paper. I'm also not very good at Furoshiki.

Steampunk costume - both stilted and not. I want to get back into stilting this year, I miss the fun, randomness and fitness!

Various office clothes requirements: hemming, altering, darts, etc. I am not to buy anything new until I have dealt with all the existing fabrics in the house!

At the very least, I must maintain a system where all the pending fabrics fit in one suitcase. At the moment, it's one suitcase, a drawer, and a pile. This will not do.

I am planning to hand-make most of my gifts this year. Specifically chosen with love and the recipient in mind. Do they need storage space? Cat toys? Something that won't clutter up their home? Something edible? Drinkable? Recipes? I could go on. I'm not guaranteeing they will all be USEFUL, but I hope they'll all be welcomed in the spirit they are offered :)

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